Friday, 30 August 2019

Our South Hornby School Leaders

Today in Assembly we gave out the first 2 leaders of SHS 2019.Our two leaders names are Carla and Emma. We think that Carla and Emma should be very proud that they got their leader badges. They were the first badges given out to Punui-o-Toka. When you get a leader badge you become a leader of South Hornby and you are more trusted than others to do more jobs.It's really special to get a leader badge.

Here are some things that people thought about Carla and Emma getting a badge.

Peter, I think that they have done a great job.

Aliyah, I think that they worked hard and really deserved their badges.

Emma, I was so happy to get my leader badge and I was shaking.

Carla, I was very excited to get my leader badge but I was also very nervous.

We are very proud of both Carla and Emma!

Friday, 23 August 2019

DISCO time!!

Last Friday night some of South Hornby School went to the school disco. A disco is a school dance to music. We had a disco ball and a D.J. There was food and drinks and things to buy. There were the opinions of glow sticks, light up key rings, light up foam sticks and ghost buddies. You could buy lollies, chips, chocolate and multiple kinds of drinks.

'Me and my friends took really cool photos with each other from the photo booth. We used the funny mask things and the instruments'.

'I went behind the D.J booth for a wee while. I got to be able to push the smoke button and listen to music in the headphones'

'My favourite part was the food because it was delicious, but I also really liked the photo booth'.

Friday, 16 August 2019

Punui-o-toka's reward time!

Today in Puni-O-toka we had free time. The reason we had free time is because we reached over 500 tickets! We get tickets by showing our 4 values, Play, make their day, be there and choose your attitude.To show our values we need to work hard. To show play we have fun with our learning, to show make their day we need to make someone's day by saying kind words or smiling at them, to show e their we have to be in the moment and be ready to learn, to show choose your attitude we need to have the right attitude even if something goes wrong. For our free time we went out side we could either play on the senior playground, the junior playground or the court. We all had a lot of fun running around and playing games. We are not sure what our next target will be because the teachers need to figure it out.

Friday, 9 August 2019

A Visit From Gemma McCaw

Today we had a very exciting start to our day. We had a special visit from Gemma McCaw. She came and spoke to us about her journey as a hockey player and playing hockey in the Olympic Games. She talked about Friendship, Respect and Perseverance. She told us about what is needed to be successful at anything you dream of doing.

Friday, 2 August 2019

Weekly Wrap Week 2 Term3

This is what Punui-o-toka have been up to this week. We used Canva to create a Weekly Wrap. We worked in collaborative groups to create it. We had to think about all the activities and learning we have done this week and decide which ones to include.

Friday, 26 July 2019

Math's Strand

Today in Miss Goslin’s homeroom we did statistics in strand maths . What statistics is, is explaining information you have gathered through a graph. We learn what different types of graph there are bar graphs, pie charts, ETC. First we all got together on the mat And Miss Goslin explained what statistics is. Next we figured out how many siblings everyone had and put them into tally marks. Then she handed out sheets with a couple tasks on and there were a small group to make a bar graph about how many siblings we had. Once everyone was finished we all came together on the mat and Miss Goslin showed us what each part of a bar graph was called.

Friday, 5 July 2019

Our last day of school (Miss Goslin's Punui-o-toka Homeroom)

On the last Friday of the term our school is having a class party! We earnt the class party because we got 3,000 'thank you tickets'. "We get thank you tickets in the classroom by our teachers for supporting our people powers" Says Bronx. Our people powers are our school values. Our people powers are:
-Be there
-Make their day
-Choose your attitude

On Thursday to celebrate Matariki, we flew kites that we have made at home. A few children in our space won prizes for the highest flying kite from Mrs Huriwai.

Bronx shares that Matariki is about Whanau and food. Aliyah shares that it is about celebrating Maori new year and its harvest. Below is some of our artwork, representing the Matariki stars.

Today we are having a PJ class party with lots of shared yummy kai. This is our reward for getting the tickets!

By Bronx, Aliyah and Miss G

Friday, 21 June 2019

Choosing Our Next Topic To Learn About

Today we got given 3 hexagons. We had to write down 3 different topics that we would like to learn about. After we wrote them down we got into a big circle and shared our ideas. We put the topics into groups matched together.  the 2 other "Homerooms" have also done the activity. We will find out the top scoring topic ideas next week and see what we will be learning about in Term 3.

Friday, 14 June 2019

Punui-o-toka's FriYAY afternoon! (no sport)

Sport got cancelled today so we decided to do some fun and relaxing indoors activities for the afternoon. We had three stations: drawing/colouring in, art and the hall. 

At the drawing station, we got the opportunity to free draw which lots of us liked. Bailey drew supermen characters. Ethan coloured in a fox picture. 

In the wet space we did some finger painting. We created some pineapples and some winter trees. Corbi loved creating a pineapple because he liked the colours. Riansha enjoyed creating a winter painting because she got to be creative.

In the hall we got the option to shoot some hoops, look at Lucas's epic shot! This was a good way to release some energy!

It was a nice way to end a busy week!

Friday, 7 June 2019

Maths - Position and Coordinates

In maths we have been learning about directions and positions. Today we got a new task. We were pretending to be robots and giving each other directions and coordinates to travel from one square to another on a grid. We had to use vocabulary like, forward, back, right, left, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 270 degrees and 360 degrees. We tested our instructions with a buddy and found that we sometime missed a whole lot out. Some people forgot to say turn left or right. We are still working on this and will update next week.

Hansel and Gretal Maps

Today in maths strand (geometry) we watched a video of someone reading the story 'Hansel and Gretal'. Once we finished the video we had to create a map using ideas from the story. On our maps, we included Hansels and Gretals starting points. They started from their house and went to the witches gingerbread house. Along the way there was a fire and various other obstacles we had to include in our map (trees, bridges, rocks and gates). Our squares had to connect side by side. Included below is a picture of Tyler's completed map.