In writing we have been learning to write persuasive aguments about plastic bags and if we think they should be banned first we did a question to hook the reader in then we answered it for what we think then we tell you facts that are sad so you will not want to use them. What I felt fun was finding about all of this stuff . What I felt challenging was thinking what to say
Would you eat a plastic bag? ¨Yeah... I would not too!¨ Most turtles die from plastic bags they should be banned!!!
Don't litter, do you know what happens to one piece of plastic? Well I do and you do not want to know. Imagine a garbage truck full of plastic that is being dumped into the sea every minute.
Plastic is dangerous and it kills marine life. It contains dangerous chemicals like petroleum. Don't let or put plastic in the drain to go to sea. It is cruel because you know what will happen.
I know, that you know, we will do the right thing to save the seas.
by Ashton