Friday, 6 April 2018

What will you do? by Ashton

In writing we have been learning to write persuasive aguments about plastic bags and if we think they should be banned first we did a question to hook the reader in then we answered it for what we think then we tell you facts that are sad so you will not want to use them. What I felt fun was finding about all of this stuff . What I felt challenging was thinking what to say
Would you eat a plastic bag? ¨Yeah... I would not too!¨ Most turtles die from plastic bags they should be banned!!!

Don't litter, do you know what happens to one piece of plastic? Well I do and you do not want to know. Imagine a garbage truck full of plastic that is being dumped into the sea every minute.

Plastic is dangerous and it kills marine life. It contains dangerous chemicals like petroleum. Don't let or put plastic in the drain to go to sea. It is cruel because you know what will happen.

I know, that you know, we will do the right thing to save the seas.

by Ashton
Image result for sea turtle eating a jellyfish

Ban the plastic bags by Hunter

In writing We have Been  learning about persuasive arguments. I found all of this writing on that at all added up to a good cause because I got to read it out loud In the Assembly.

Do you know that Plastic bags are made from diesel?
There is enough diesel in a plastic bag to power a car 115m.

I think we should ban plastic bags because they're killing marine life and other creatures.

Do you know that Turtles think that plastic bags are jellyfish? The most favourite thing that Turtles like to eat is jellyfish, so it is poisoning them.

Do you know fish are eating plastic?  If plastics is in their food chain wouldn't it be an ours?

Would you eat plastic?

Plastic bags take 600 years to decompose in the ocean. In the year 2050 there will be more plastic bags in the ocean then sea creatures so when they die 50% of oxygen will disappear.

is too much plastic in the world. Every year New Zealand produces enough plastic to smother it twice.

3 million plastic bags are being thrown out every day in New Zealand.
1000 Turtles at dying everyday.   Don't let Sea creatures die!

by Hunter
Related imageImage result for eating plastic gif

Ban the bag by Arie

Would you eat a plastic bag? No, then why do sea animals do!

Animals are eating plastic bags thinking its food and now they are are dying.
I'm fine with bags, it's just can't they make bags that are not poison and that animals can breathe through. I mean at least they could stay alive.

Plastic bags are made of petroleum. Petroleum makes petrol and petrol is poison. Do you know the petroleum it takes to make one plastic bag can power a car and make it go 115m. Petroleum is poison and that means plastic is poison

It is also killing us because we eat fish and we eat food from plastic bags, I strongly believe that since our food touches plastic bags that means it affecting us humans and plastic bags are poison. So I think it's killing us, just slowly.

Do you know that every minute about 1 million plastic objects go to sea. And it takes like 4 million year's for plastic to break. if we keep this up think about what it will look like in 2019. So stop using plastic bags!

It was hard finding strong words to put in my writing. But It was easy researching because we were also reading about plastic bags. It wasn't really fun because in videos we saw animals dying. Also I read mine out at assembly

Ban the Plastic Bags by Angie

Would you ever eat plastic? I know you don't. Did you know that plastic
bags are made of PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) which is toxic? Plastics are
materials that are malleable and can be molded into solid objects like
Plastic Bottles and Plastic Bags.

It takes over 200-1000 years for the plastic bags to decompose. Also,
plastics can't break apart because they are made of high-density
polyethylene (HDPE).

Animals are in danger too! Aquatic animals can swallow plastic and they
can die. Some bits of plastics can be sharp and it may touch the marine
animals and they'll get injured.

A lot of energy is used in making plastics. They use non-renewable
resources. Experts in U.S.A explained that petroleum used in making
plastic bags in America would power 1.3 million cars.

Here are some facts about what plastic is causing us:
90% of bottles are not even recycled.
Over 8 million plastics are in our oceans.
Every minute takes 1 million plastics littered in the whole world.
Any plastic is brought to the Pacific Garbage Patch.
Over 100 million marine animals are killed each year due to plastic pieces in the

We can help reduce plastic by;
- Use a metal bottle instead of a plastic bottle.
- Reuse your plastic bottles instead of throwing them to the bin.
- Say "No straw please" in cafes, KFC, etc. because straws in places cafes and
restaurants, are made of plastic too.
- Use a metal straw instead so you can still wash it and we can reduce plastic.
- Bring fabric bags instead of plastic bags when you're going shopping.

Plastic bags are harmful, not just to us, but the animals and our environment.
I strongly insist to ban plastic bags!

Ban Plastic Bags by Nici

Last week and this week we have been Writing Persuasive Augments About Banning or Keeping Plastic Bags But I knew That If we kept the plastic Bags Most of the sea animals Will keep dying so I choose to ban the Bags. It was easy to choose to ban the bags because I want to save the planet. It was hard to find strong words. How do you think I did?
Would you eat plastic?
I wouldn't. Most of the animals in the sea are dying because of plastic.

Plastic is made out out of petroleum(petrol). So that means it is poisonous.  It kills most of the sea animals in the world. If you want a pet Turtle or a pet Fish you won't have that much of a chance, because of your littering.
Plastic kills over 100,000 marine animals a year. Most of the animals that are dying are Turtles because they think that the plastic bags are Jellyfish. If you go fishing  you will mostly catch plastic bottles, Plastic bags and Plastic straws.

There are five garbage patches in our oceans, the worst is the Great Pacific. It's the worst Garbage Patch  because most of the rubbish is floating to that specific area in the sea.

Keep in mind on what you, are doing to the marine animals that live in the sea.  Stop dropping your rubbish on the ground.
by Nici

Ban that bag by Hannah

This week Mrs Jack´s literacy group´s have been learning about sustainability.We used our prior knowledge for what we knew about sustainability. I got to read my writing at hero assembly. I found it easy when we talk about what we knew about it. I found it hard to draw the drawing because I could only use shapes.
Rendered Image

Would you ever eat a plastic bag? I wouldn't either.

I strongly believe that everyone should ban the plastic bag.
Firstly it kills up to 100,000 marine animals. Mostly whales, seals and turtles. They eat the plastic bags or get tangled in plastic bags.

Secondly plastic bags are made out of petroleum. Petroleum is poisonous and it is used to make one plastic bag it would be enough to power a car 115 metres. The petroleum used to make one plastic bag would power a car for 115m

Finally the average lifespan of plastic bag is 7 minutes and it take 500 years to break down. That is a really long time to find one. Why would you try and find one when you can use a different bag.

In conclusion I strongly believe we need to ban that bag because if we do not now, in 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean instead of fish.
by Hannah